
Speedysnail is a personal site. Not one of those "here's my pet kitty, here's my CV, here's all the CDs I own" personal sites; more a site made by a single person that has every single thing he's ever written, drawn, photographed and designed on it. (A gross generalisation, but a noble goal.) That person is me, Rory Ewins: Australian, blah blah, living in Scotland, blah blah blah, see autobiographical pages for extra blah.

For eighteen months the site was host to a modestly renowned weblog called Walking West, which I killed off and restarted several times before its final death in November 2001. Now its spirit has possessed the rest of Speedysnail, which lumbers forth into 2002 like a mindless zombie in search of links, news, commentary, banter and braaiiiins.

Once you've read the latest mumblings on the front page, you'll find plenty more in the back-lots to keep you entertained; just click on the snail to find your way out.

Speedysnail: there is no reason, there's just rhyme.

14 January & 9 June 2002

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