Tweet Nothings, Part 6

Normal service—or whatever normal was before my life got insanely busy—will resume soon. Meanwhile, here’s more Twitter archiving (most course-related tweets excluded), starring the Digital Economy Bill, the general election, and more.

Scottish lecturers who use Facebook to message students could face disciplinary action. §

RT @courosa: Any LinkedIn success stories? Or is it (as I suspect) just a place where social connections go to die. §

Retweeting as conversational practice: 'Tweet Tweet Retweet' by @zephoria (via @eksploratore) §

RT glynwintle: Video of Cory @doctorow speaking out against #debill last night—via @rodgersn §

RT ollie72: Look, the geeks are so angry, they even LEFT THEIR COMPUTER SCREENS AND CAME OUTSIDE #debill §

RT tomewing: Any sufficiently advanced felt tip is indistinguishable from magic markers. §

The Elegant Awesomeness of Hashtags by @tomewing §

Cleaning up my hacked site—what a fun way to spend a Saturday night. Webmasters beware Liberty exploit kit (type 714). §

Excellent reading from two law academics on the #debill §

More excellent #debill reading. §

@nevali: For your open letter, please add: Dr Rory Ewins (Lecturer in E-learning) §

RT MD1500: Why do MPs think filesharers will change habits because of letters? 20,000 letters clearly had little effect on MPs. #debill §

RT alnya: Excellent, a bill proposed by the unelected, debated by the ignorant and voted on by the absent. #debill §

RT patrickolszo: On behalf of all opponents of #debill—a huge round of applause for tweeting by @glynwintle—good job! §

Seems to be the profile picture du juor. #debill §

RT nevali: if you missed it last night; An Open Letter to Siôn Simon, Pete Wishart, David Lammy, Peter Luff, John Robertson... §

When everyone comes to rue the #debill, let's remind ourselves of this. §

RT timberners_lee: @nebulon82: Always been against snooping on net so #debill is major threat §

'One hour debating one clause of a 50-clause bill with one hour for all the rest... it's frankly disgraceful' #debill §

I'd vote for @tom_watson if I could, but his party showed contempt for democracy last night. Time to return the favour. #debill §

How handy that I live in a marginal Labour/Lib-Dem seat. #debill §

RT Skeptobot: @glynwintle: I've knocked together a blog post summary about the #DEBill debacle if you're interested. §

@Skrrp: Worked up over that, too. But attacks on civil liberties go to the heart of everything, and the #debill makes them so much easier. §

@postdocal: List of who voted yay and nay (via @lilianedwards) #debill §

RT lilianedwards: New Pangloss post: not just law but the face of politics changed when the DEB passed last night #debill §

After 3 cancelled flights on 15/16/19 April, left Murcia on Tuesday. 3 countries, 3 hire cars, 2500km (+Eurostar) and €1500 later: home. §

RT timberners_lee: 'Copyright law is like an onion—it has many layers, and it will make you cry'—Caroline Wilson at #websci10 §

RT Glinner: Facebook: 'Watch closely as your privacy disappears, one small change at a time!' (via @BoingBoing) §

Enjoyed Iron Chef UK ep1, but who can commit 5 hours a week? 'Tonight's ingredient is... YOUR SOUL.' §

Stuart Easter's and my paper at 'ICT: Africa's Revolutionary Tools for the 21st Century'. #africaict §

Just played with my first #ipad. WANT. Hitchhiker's Guide/Young Lady's Primer is here for real. §

RT tomewing: Flickr multicolour search tool—even the results display is gorgeous. §

@lilianedwards: Yes, never seen Polwarth Parish Church so deserted on a polling day. EH11 #ukvote §

Right, off to a pal's election count party. #markingcanwait §

The electoral gods have conspired to keep me awake all night. §

The most Cameron will concede on electoral reform is making first-past-the-post electorates equal in size? Not even preferential voting? Ha. §

RT mrchrisaddison: Cameron: We offer to do all the things in our manifesto the Lib Dems agree with. They should help with all the things they don't. §

As someone who grew up under Hare-Clark, voting under #FPTP is always exasperating. §

As for 1-member seats giving strong local representation: only for his/her supporters. Multi-member seats give everyone a local rep. #FPTP §

@lilianedwards: Multi-member seats with 5 or 7 members each; quota for each seat is 15-20%. Keeps out nutters. §

I want my six lost working days back from that *$£^%^ volcano. §

It's weekends like this that warm the cockles of a pol sci graduate's heart. §

Great Thing About Hung Parliaments No. 47—they never look like this. #debill #deact #ge2010 §

RT daraobriain: This is moronic. MORONIC. RT @jackofkent: Paul Chambers Guilty #twitterjoketrial §

RT unloveablesteve: Quick, someone arrest John Betjeman! He's threatening Slough with an all-out nuclear attack! #twitterjoketrial §

So the Director of Public Prosecutions was the only kid in the world who didn't have to read 1984 at school? #twitterjoketrial #thoughtcrime §

Important background reading for anyone who tweets or blogs in the UK from @jackofkent #twitterjoketrial §

RT crazycolours: Paul was half way through qualifying as an accountant. This conviction means he can't qualify now. His career is ruined! #twitterjoketrial §

DVD #blurbs are nuts. Synecdoche, New York, is many things, and very good, but not 'hilarious' or 'the smash-hit comedy of the year'. §

In this parliament, Cameron would be as 'unelected' a PM as Brown. The British people don't elect prime ministers, their MPs do. §

Five days into a hung parliament, and journalists are still banging on about the need for a mandate? Are they paying attention? §

RT dracos: A compare and contrast of the two Sun editions with differences highlighted. §

RT jackofkent: Must read blogpost by @Glinner on #twitterjoketrial: Prague, 1965 §

RT jackofkent: Paul Chambers: A Disgraceful and Illiberal Judgment #twitterjoketrial #section127 §

@lilianedwards: 'I can see your old school from my house.' §

RT ArmyofDave: Already a Scottish family is homeless and unemployed. That's a Tory government for you. §

@bengoldacre: You may well be right: Radio 4 reported that Lab negotiators wouldn't even give up the ID card, surely an easy concession. §

Hmm, conflicting reports on whether Labour offered to Lib Dems to scrap ID cards—oh well, all academic now. §

RT charltonbrooker: RT @arusbridger: Henry Porter—at times lone voice on civil liberties—on his 'exhilarated sense' tide is about to change §

I signed the petition to repeal the Digital Economy Act #DEBill #DEAct #GE2010 §

Following 55%-no-confidence-motions to their illogical conclusion. §

RT Glinner: Facebook's 150+ privacy options—visualized /via @infobeautiful & @jameslean §

RT Aiannucci: Last of my election columns for The Independent. This week, the coalition. §

Eisbären: Nouvelle Vague und Grauzone. §

RT DailyInfoOxford: When would you guess these were made? Preview of Ashmolean Lost World exhibition (open tomorrow). §

RT aknock: Hey all you new greenflies, looking for something to do? Stop landing on my face and start genre-tagging my MP3 collection. #spring §

RT anildash: Extraordinary MetaFilter thread averts sex trafficking, alerts State Dept & ends in heroics by @rainbowwarmers §

@dietgirl: Hey, congratulations! Woohoo! And now I realize I forgot my own 10th anniversary last week. [Shakes fist at monitor.] §

Edinburgh Royal Mile muzak: Coldplay on the bagpipes ('Speed o' Soond'). §

If you're sad that Lost and Ashes to Ashes have ended, there's always Lost the Ashes: 65 series and counting. §

@tomewing: Yeah—'the first contemporary pop hit Eurovision has produced in decades'!? It's only a decade since a UK no. 3 hit won it! §

RT serafinowicz: Please, watch this now and improve your day (via @Padougy and @glinner) §

RT bengoldacre: What Wakefield wanted to inject into children: a vet explains §

RT DavidNobbs: I laughed at a newspaper headline—Cork Man Found Floating In Mersey. How callous is that? §

RT simonblackwell: Bought an audiobook of stamps. It's just the Queen saying '41p' six times. §

RT Glinner: Cognitive Surplus—the great spare time revolution (via @ChicaLolita, sorta) §

Incredible—these guys were strolling around the seabed right near where I grew up, and we never knew. #missinglink §

@edgarwright: The 49-DVD boxed set comes with its own Stannah stair-lift. §

RT LettersOfNote: A Personal Letter From Steve Martin §

For web dev types: Firefox's latest trade-off between privacy and page display (via @glynwintle) §

Certain PHP pages throwing configuration errors on my site, even when identical pages elsewhere on the same site aren't. #aarrggghh §

RT copyrightgirl: Abba tribute bands warned to change their names err, 'intellectual copyright'?!#fail §

Only three days to state of post-exam-board bliss. §

'Check my awesome steampunk goggles'. §

7 June 2010 · Whatever